Hello all. My name is Sotero M Lopez II and I get phone calls with testimonials all the time. The affect that the 100% certified organic ganoderma has on people's health and lives are unbelievable. When I tell people the stories they don't believe it or find it hard. They wonder why haven't they heard of it before if its so powerful? Well, thats another story.
But for now the following story is from a wonderful wonderful lady that I am proud to know and it is a delight to have as a team member. She is an absolute wonderful person and mother. She is telling it in her own words. Her name is Nelly Sheen. This is from her website is http://www.nellysheen.organogold.com/aboutme.asp
Here it is in her own words...
"Hi everyone: I will tell you my story briefly. My name is Nelly and I am a Organogold distributor. How I became one? Well, since about 10 years ago I was diagnosed with fibromialgya. And since I was a preteen I was diagnosed with major depression and anxiety since I was born.
Living with these terrible problems wasn't easy for me. I could hardly enjoy my adolescent life or my adulthood. My fears were too many. I was so afraid to go out just by myself. I never felt happy. And on top of this fibromyalgia came along. So since that day, I lived in constant pain, tiredness and fatigue. And anything I did or take to calm down the pain was helpless.
Many times I asked God to take me because I thought I couldn’t keep going. My daughters had much suffering seeing me that way.
This year I decided to go on vacations to my country Peru. And I did it. I was so lucky to ran in to a good friend that I haven’t seen for a long, long time. She was the one who told me about a miraculous coffee. I was just interested in losing weight.
But when I came back to the city I was walking around and suddenly I saw a big sign the it said "The healthiest coffee in the world".
And I remembered what my friend said so I got into the store and I asked everything about this coffee. And when I heard that it was good for pain, chronic fatigue among others benefits I didn't think twice I just bought a box of Organo Gold coffee Latte.
And after two weeks of taking it, I started to notice that I wasn't tired or feeling like taking a nap. I didn't feel sad or depressed or anxious. And the best thing ever, I was feeling Happy...me...happy...not taking naps....not feeling tired?...I kept taking the coffee. And believe it or not I wasn't taking pain killers or muscle relaxers at all!!
All what I needed was my Latte Coffee from Organo Gold!!!. Since that time I can't stay without my box of coffee. The first thing in the morning is to grab a cup and empty from the little bag, my latte coffee and instantly I feel energetic. I start my day like I never did before!
About my depression and anxiety? No more dealing daily like I used before. It was a terrible life...I would say "I was existing, but not living". Now Thanks to God that gave me this extraordinary gift because Organo Gold and the Ganoderma Extract is a Gift from God!!!
So please if you have the chance just go to www.nellysheen.organogold.com
Please the best present you could ever do to yourself, to your family and friends or just somebody that you know is in pain or going through for a bad moment with their health don't think twice. Don't say I'll try it. Just DO IT!!!
My life has changed in a way that I can call it now A LIFE!
Thanks for taking your time and read this story.
Nelly Sheen?